Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"But I Can't Afford To Replace My iPhone Over One Broken Button"

These are the words I'm sure several of you iPhone owners have said before, and if not, maybe one day you will. iPhones are notorious for buttons breaking and things going wrong, but for some reason, we keep going back and getting the latest and greatest Apple product. Maybe it's just me? I'm not sure.
Well yesterday the top lock button on my iPhone stopped working and I really did not think too much of it...until later on that day when I couldn't turn off the screen on my phone. Keep in mind, this button jam was completely out of the blue, in fact, it isn't even jammed down into the phone, it looks perfectly normal.
Any way, today I was about two steps away from throwing my phone out the window of my moving car and never turning back. I was sick of walking about holding my phone screen up waiting for the screen to automatically shut off, praying that no one would text me and make the time start over. Also, I was at school so I was listening to the music on the phone therefore the screen timer must be longer or something because it was the absolute longest minute of my life. Most days of my life I don't feel like two hands is enough, let alone having one of those hands dedicated to babying a cell phone who's screen will not shut off. Ugh, just THINKING about it is upsetting me.
Desperate, I was searching the web for quick fixes; I was using force, I was prying at the button with tweezers, I was seconds away from removing the backside of the phone. Nothing was going to unjam this button. I was so frustrated. I reached out to all my Facebook friends when somebody commented and told me how her iPhone is broken in the same way and how you can get a "circle thing" to make it better. What does that even mean?
I looked further into it and this is what she told me to do:
Go to Settings
Go To General
Go To Accessibility
Under the "Physical & Motor" option click AssistiveTouch
Turn the "off" to "on"
A little circle will now appear on your iPhone.
In my case, I have to go to Device and click Lock Screen, but there are several options. You can use Siri, the Home Button, Screen rotate, screen shot, volume, pretty much anything. So even though it is annoying, it is a temporary fix that I'm extremely happy about. I never thought I would appreciate putting my phone in my pocket so much.

So I hope if anyone is having issues with this or any of the buttons this can help them out. I know I certainly don't have the money to go buy a whole new phone just because one button broke so I'm thrilled about this feature that I previously had no idea even existed!!
Also, I realize this doesn't have anything to do with beauty and the usual topics that I talk about...but the stress of a broken phone can cause break outs, so this feature of the iPhone can prevent that! ;-)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this info, Dakota! I didn't even know iPhones have this feature. It may be a bit annoying but it beats spending money on getting it fixed or having to buy a new phone all together.

    1. I'm glad you found this helpful! I was so grateful to fin out about this are so right, it totally beats buying a whole new phone out of contract!


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